Thai massage

Thai massage

Over the past couple of decades, our vocabulary has become fairly saturated with the mystical words “Qi”, “Zeng”, “Kama Sutra”, “Tao”, etc. They all sound familiar and even seem understandable. In addition to words, we are regularly visited by crowds of Asian experts-gurus, adepts and practitioners. But do these “curiosities” take root in our daily life, do we use them? Without any doubt. One of these techniques is the famous Thai massage. Not every massage parlor can offer real Thai erotic massage, because only a good and generous owner will allow himself to invite famous Asian practitioners to train his staff. Our salon has both access to such practices and the experience of massage therapists trained by them.

What is a real Thai massage?

Тайський масажThis is, first of all, the gift of health. especially men’s health. It is difficult to argue with statistics: Lviv tires and sucks all the strength out of men at such a speed that by the age of 45 they turn into old men. But this can be avoided. Professional Thai massage allows a man to be young to old age. Everyone knows that in Asia, longevity is not a miracle, and a 60-year-old man who naturally becomes a biological father is by no means uncommon there. The secrets of such health lie in massage techniques, the most valuable of which are combined in Thai massage.

In general, the procedure for such a body massage consists of several stages, the first of which is calming the processes in the body. When a masseuse gives a man a Thai massage, she uses the energy of her body so that both bodies find harmony. In other words, it brings the body of a man into a state of ideal functioning. In the process of massage, as evidenced by many studies, the metabolism in the body is normalized, blood circulation is stabilized, and stagnation that occurs as a result of an improper lifestyle or work disappears. And there are plenty of various “stagnations” in the body of a resident of Lviv: these are clamps in the area of the heart, spine, deterioration of blood circulation in various organs due to a sedentary lifestyle or work.

The most catastrophic is the weakening of blood circulation in the pelvic area. The consequences are very different, but the most global is “aging”. Like a drying flower, masculine strength disappears just before our eyes. Doctors first of all advise to do sports, and only Thai massage offers incredibly pleasant procedures for the revival of this strength. It is the “return of Qi”, or the revival of male power, that is the second stage of Thai massage.

You can talk about the procedure itself for a long time, since each organism is unique, and each man experiences different sensations. But everyone equally agrees that these sensations are incomparable even with an orgasm.

The following stages of Thai massage are aimed at stimulating the work of the organs. This is a whole complex of different massage techniques and techniques in which the masseuse uses the whole body – from the ends of the hair to the most delicate intimate places.

There is also a tongue working technique that surpasses the sensations that a man receives during oral sex. But erotic massage is not sex, and not sex therapy. It helps not only to arouse desire and follow the natural instinct, but to revive youth in a man. And the revival of youth guarantees a constant desire and strength to realize it, a healthy heart for many decades, perfectly functioning internal organs, and beauty. And the real male beauty, as you know, is not achieved through cosmetics.